Is anyone going to be disappointed there's no pictures on this? I suppose not and I couldn't really help it to be honest.
I've been drawing for awhile now in this little journal I was given at Christmas Time. Its a fair trade journal my Aunt got in Vietnam and its quite pretty. I've only been drawing sporadically due to uni so there isn't too much in it yet.
Anyway I was drawing this evening for the first time in awhile when started considering scanning all the doodles in and updating my blog. Thing is I was kind of torn, while some of the stuff in there isn't overly personal some of it is - even if its not apparent. Especially what I've drawn tonight. I kinda decided to stuff it and do it anyway because as much as it would be a bit of an exposure to put some of that stuff up here I NEED to get this stuff out. I know I can always talk about whats bothering me and I usually do but at the moment I just can't. I'm not sure I want to because I'm not sure I can express it. I don't know its very confusing. I want to scream and cry and yell and give up and keep going all at once. Constantly evaluating if things are worth it - should I continue or should I give up. But if I give up then what next? And I don't really want to give up. Anyway to continue this story I went to scan my work in - nothing. My scanner is wireless and its always a bit dodgy but it just wouldn't go.
So theres no pictures.
I'm wondering if it was a sign from the universe that maybe I should keep this journal stuff private a bit longer.
Anyway on a happier note I went to the vintage fabric and lace fair today with my mum, aunty and her neighbour. It was good. I bought a ring for $7.50 which is quite cool - I don't have many rings and this one is quite comfortable to wear although I took it off when I was drawing. I also bought some shear pale blue almost white gloves. Mum bought me a kilt which which we're going to get taken up for next winter as well as some things she's saving up for my christmas presents which I won't mention here because thats not really In the spirit of christmas.
We also had a good lunch today :). Good food tends to make me happy :).
I don't really have any more to say
ttfn - hopefully I'll be posting something soon.
Even if its just a picture of my ring or something XD.