Monday, December 19, 2011

The Girl in the Tower

A happy(ier) image!!! yay. It felt so good to paint again at using a piece of paper that wasn't restricted to the A-paper sizes was liberating.

Scanner Quality = sucky, so i mucked with the settings. I think the original looks better though....

More Secrets from the Book

There's no one to hold me

And sometimes it feels like nothing has changed
Gypsy Girl

I'm sorry, I didn't understand

Blue flowers, lies and regrets


I'm the fool

Is recovery even possible....

These are about a month old, blame the scanner and raw emotions for the delay

Gah!!! Blogger is being a poo and i can't seem the to get the spacing right and its driving me nuts!!

Oh well at least this is finally up...quality aside.

I'd like to think that people who look at this click on the images with writing and actually read what it says. I think it helps.