Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Last Summer Paintings



Uni tomorrow, the first image was finished today and started a couple of weeks ago. The second was finished a couple of weeks ago and was started in about June '10. (note its a warped/fisheyed picture of me - the clothes are make believe.)
The colours on both lost some brightness via the scanner as watercolours tend to on my scanner. I was too lazy to change it tho. :S


  1. OH HEY I REMEMBER THAT FISH EYE ONE! that was ages ago, lol. glad you finally finished it, i like that effect you did for the background.
    Gah bleeding eyes always scare me >.< but i love all the different colours you used for the wall and floor, makes it seem much more realistic than the one colour wash.

  2. :) thank you. I love water colour...the eyes are done in pen cause i usually stuff them up :P. Thanks for your lovely comments
